In 2021, we embarked on an exhilarating and meaningful journey to create the Wonder Girls Student Leaders Fellowship — the 1st of its kind comprehensive programme in India, to transform adolescent girls into future leaders.
The programme has been truly game-changing for our Cohort-1 Fellows. Please find a summary of our Cohort-1 experience below.
“You might have just changed the entire course of my life!”
Cohort-1 Role Models
This has been an awesome and unforgettable journey. I have learned so much during the Fellowship. Thank you for being there and setting us on the right track!
Thank you for creating this amazing global opportunity. You might have just changed the entire course of my life! I never thought I could be this excited for a class on Saturday and Sunday! I'm honoured to be in the 1st Cohort of what I'm sure will grow to be one of India’s most prestigious Fellowships!
I hope Wonder Girls Fellowship spreads to every classroom in the country and eventually the world!
This Fellowship is one experience that cannot be matched.
You have honestly changed our lives in such an epic way! Thank you for guiding and moulding us into better people for the outside world and for our career paths. Thank you to the whole Wonder Girls team for making the environment comfortable and interesting for us.
The energy that radiates in an all-girl environment is something I haven't experienced before. It's brought a sense of safety, calmness, strength, and overall fun in my life.
We are glad that our daughter got an opportunity to be a part of the Wonder Girls Fellowship. The programme has provided her with great perspectives in so many domains and showed her numerous possibilities. We are sure she will leverage all her learnings over a period of time. All your inputs, projects, and a nudge from time-to-time during the programme were amazing! The experience was fantastic from all perspectives — structure, topics, coverage, open environment, guests, and great execution! All the aspects covered are much needed for girls outside the classroom. Please take a bow from us!
My daughter enjoyed this remarkable Fellowship opportunity. We are excited to see new interests and curiosities emerge. Thank you for the initiative and taking this forward in such a transparent and structured manner. Onward and upward!
It's amazing to be surrounded by girls who are ambitious and positive!
Wonder Girls is an excellent initiative for young girls hoping to be leaders in future. I am glad that Wonder Girls brought to my daughter the sense that she is not alone, that ambition is not bad, and that there are wonderful women out there she can hope to follow. Congratulations to Wonder Girls for this brilliant programme.